This year was the first time EVER I have gone 9 months without any time off... so needless to say my hubby and I were both very ready for a vacation. Of course, San Diego was our destination of choice (as always). We enjoyed 5 blissful days of warm sunshine, wore flip flops and shorts, and ate at all our favorite resturants. We were able to spend a lot of quality time with our niece Lauren and nephew Anthony... we also visited Lee's grandparents and also managed to see a few dear friends. We love living here in Oregon but it sure is nice to spend time back home as well.
Now that we're home, I am trying to get into a Christmas-y mood. The open house is only a couple weeks away and the Christmas merchandise is arriving every day. I have spent hours examining my Christmas decorating idea books and I think I am starting to "come around." Although it's been hard to think of winter today, with the gorgeous fall sunshine outside. I suppose it will all come together... it always does!