Well, the December/January 2010 issue arrived yesterday, and it's clear that my BF Laura's 15 minutes of fame have begun! Her home is featured in this issue, and starts on page 26. Truly, I have to tell you... you can't begin to know how gorgeous her home is! From the minute you walk in, you feel right at home. She has the most gorgeous antiques and collections... every corner is filled with wonderful treasures. I wish there were about 20 more pictures in the magazine... you are missing out on so many wonderful nooks and crannies.
If you'd like to see more of Laura's wonderful home, go to the left side of this blog and find the "Home Tours" button... it will direct you to my webshots site.
I am so fortunate to have met my decorating soul mate.. and that we live on the same street in the same small town... wow - how great is that???