I just can't believe it's all over!! Phew... what a whirlwind! The photographers (Donna and Philip... shown in the picture at the end of a very long day... and calling D&P for the rest of this post....) arrived at my BF Laura's house Friday night. We made introductions and then Laura gave them the grand tour. They left all their SCADS of equipment in her living room so they would have less to set up the next day. We went out to dinner and had a wonderful time getting to know them. They have shot for Architectural Digest and many other prestigious magazines. They've led very exciting lives.
They came back to Laura's house at 8:30 Saturday morning and were there all day. Laura said D&P moved many, many things and re-arranged things so they were pleasing to the camera. About 6pm D&P brought their equipment down to my place (a mere 7 houses away) and boy did that make things seem a whole lot smaller in the house!!!! These folks do not travel lightly - tripods, computers, cameras, cables, 5 bags of fresh fruit and 2 big buckets of fresh flowers, great big Rubbermaid tubs of props, etc. They toured my house and then went on their way.
D&P arrived for the shoot at 830 Sunday morning and let me tell you... it was exhausting!!! Their minivan did not leave my driveway until 8pm. The only room in my house they didn't shoot (besides the master bathroom) was my office, which I had already piled all my everyday junk in (big box of shoes from by the front door, my coffee maker, toaster, knife block, all my husband's paperwork and junk from "his" baskets, etc.) So by the time all their things were piled in there it was very distressing!! I can see that if you were a person who couldn't handle clutter or your house being turned upside down, it would be very challenging. D&P did say they had a photo shoot where the homeowner had to leave.. she couldn't handle the stress!
The Editor in Chief told D&P that there is a 75% chance that the pictures/story (which hasn't been done yet) will run in this year's Aug/Sept issue... she is pushing to have it ready. How cool would that be???? D&P have already emailed the Editor the rough/unretouched pictures for her to look at. Supposedly there will be a decision in the next 2 weeks... I promise to keep you posted!!!
It's truly surreal to see your home through their fancy lenses!!! It was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me and I still can't believe it came to fruition. D&P told us several times that literally thousands of people submit their houses for consideration and a very, very few are ever chosen to be published. What an honor.
However, I am SICK TO DEATH of pumpkins!! I finally got it all put away last night. I don't even want to hear the words Fall, Autumn, Harvest!!